Tuesday, March 24, 2015

2011 Toyotas Prius hybrid sales break a million

Back in August of 1997, Toyota launched its Coaster Amalgam EV minibus, the companys aboriginal amalgam vehicle. Though the Coaster Amalgam is not a accepted name, it was the agent that started the amalgam anarchy at Toyota. The Japanese automaker has now appear that accumulative sales of its hybrids accept now topped the one-million mark in its home market. In addition, the companys all-around amalgam sales now angle at 2.68 actor and counting.

In accompanying news, Toyota appear that the Prius topped the sales archive in Japan already again, appearance the 14th after ages that the Prius outsold all added models in the Japanese market. While Toyota is calmly arch the way in amalgam sales, the aggregation is committed to bolstering its lead. Toyota affairs to acquaint amalgam versions of all of its absolute models by 2020 and aims to advertise added than one actor hybrids per year afore the end of the decade. Follow the jump for added advice on Toyotas connected ascendancy of the amalgam segment.

2012 toyota pius photo gallery
2012 toyota pius photo gallery

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