Wednesday, March 25, 2015

2011 Toyota Prius c Concept


Alongside the minivan v Prius and the Prius Hybrid Plug-in, rechargeable AC, Toyota exhibited at the Detroit show a third model gasoline / electric Prius with the c Concept.

It was some years we heard about a range Prius, surfing the growing success of the one that became the icon of hybrid cars in the world.

In Detroit, the first automaker in the world unfolds with heavy artillery, besides a minivan series, this friendly concept foreshadowing a future little sister of the Prius 3.

Prius named for city c, this vehicle is positioned as a versatile five-door city car, for young singles and couples looking for an environmentally friendly vehicle while being affordable.

In terms of style, the general appearance of the Prius c is quite close to the Toyota FT-CH Concept unveiled last year in Motor City.

Note the headlights and placed high on the bow just below the windshield, a profile of three Prius in reducing and slightly redesigned rear lights which now includes round. Door handles embedded in the amounts of the rear doors are still in the game.

The interior plays on the counting of the seats with ultra-thin and number of items reduced to their simplest expression. The futuristic dash comes down to a sort of pear-shaped iPad enthroned behind the wheel.

As for performance, without giving details, announced that the Toyota Prius c should be available in current 2013 series, the hybrid model will be the most efficient market, excluding rechargeable versions.


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